Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I lied...

So, my first review will actually be about skin care. I have just begun a new regiment. AM, I use a rubbery scrub bad bristle thing from Sephora, which is not abrasive what so ever. Along with a gel cleanser by Korres, Miricle Worker AM pads by Philosophy, Murad Active Radiance serum, The Algenist anti-aging moisturizer-sparingly, finally Clairin's SPF. PM is Clairisonic, Help Me! Retinor treatment by Philosophy, Murad Active with a little bit of C-Boost by Philosophy and  Caudalie Vinopure Balancing Concentrate. Vitamin C Eye bright eye cream by Murad both AM and PM. A lot of products, right? I can tell you first hand that the Clairisonic is my new best friend. I have big pores, oily, oily, oily, oily skin. On top of an uneven skin tone. Already I see such a huge difference.
The Clairisonic cleans up to 6 times more effectively that a wash cloth, hands or even the little scrubby thing I use in the mornings. I use it in the PM to get all that makeup off my face, using it twice a day is too much for my skin right now, even with the sensitive head. It really does work wonders. Expensive it is, mine, for the Mia is $125 even with a discount. It comes with 2 heads and one setting. The lager one is $249, comes with a body scrubber head, an extra replacement head and 2 settings.
Personally, the two settings are not needed. The Mia is quite a bit more portable, cute! and just as efficient as the full size.
Anyway, the rest of my skin care is able to penetrate the skin more efficiently with the Clairisonic. Which is why I feel my results have been so swift. The Murad Active I have used before. I know that it brightens the skin, lightens spots and pigmentation and makes the skin smooth as a baby butt. The AM pads I'm not sure about as of yet. Same goes for the Algenist. Both are light enough for my oily skin just as the Clairin's sun block. The Caudalie is a bit heavier of a moisturizer. In fact it's an oil. I like to really moisturize in the evening. The skin works hard to regenerate it's self during the night. I look at it as an extra umph. Grape vine extracts are qiute potent with antioxidents, which help fend off free radicles. I have to let the sun block sink in before putting any foundation on or it washes me out. P.S. if you're going out and pictures will be taken- sun block can have a flash back effect, thus making your face appear almost white in the photos.
So there it is, my new skin care. Look the products up online. Search the Sephora website- an excellent way to read reviews and ingredients. I'll keep you posted as to how the skin care is working. The last thing I want to say is you're makeup is only as good as your skin care, the better you take care of your skin the better your makeup will look!

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